With the advent of the 90s things got a little easier and Bill was able to have more fun with designs for large agates sent to him by his friend and contemporary, a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art, Ian Clarkson, who established Clarksons of Edinburgh in 1958. The shop is still on West Bow, Victoria Street with a workshop creating fine jewellery, now managed by Ian’s two sons Keith and Michael. Ian Clarkson was a great champion of my fathers work who appreciated his skill as both designer and maker.
The 18 carat gold detailing indicates the work is late nineties. During this time I was still living on the island and though I had a family of my own, saw my parents every day. I remember most of these pieces. My mum told me once that Bill told her that he asked me to pick my favourite item in every range, as he said it was almost always the best seller. Knowing that he noticed that I shared the families intuiton for design, meant a great deal to me.